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Please help me identify what kind of...
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Topic: | Please help me identify what kind of remote I have. This thread has 1 response. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Thursday May 23, 2013 at 19:09 |
LizetteMomet Lurking Member |
I have been trying to figure this thing out for 8 hours now.
I have an old Philips universal remote. How I know its a Philips remote, because it says "Philips" at the bottom of it. ;) I've had it since 2000, and have rarely used it. Well since I can't find my old directv remote, I thought I would break it out. But I no longer have the manual, so I've been scouring the net for it, to no avail. I've even called Philips, and they said it couldn't be their remote because the model numbers don't start with an S or a C. But then again, I don't know what the serial number is, considering there's 3 long numbers on there.
The first one is hard to see, because the numbers are smudged, so I'll do my best at making them out: DWD5107/07 UP. I'm pretty sure the first letter is D.
Then: 3139 238 21261
Then beneath MADE IN CHINA: CP041113004113
I just want it to be able to program it for my Directv box and Magnavox tv. Please assist, I'm going crazy. I don't want to spend $15 on a new remote. I'll post a picture of it, if you need a visual.
P.S. There is no "Code Search" or "Setup " button on the remote.ll
OP | Post 2 made on Thursday May 23, 2013 at 21:21 |
LizetteMomet Lurking Member |
Okay. I found out by some extensive googling that its the SRU5107/27.
Now how do I program this thing, because the instructions are not working.
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