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Comcast remote and Philips tv-how to get OK/Select button to work
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Post 1 made on Wednesday January 1, 2014 at 11:22
Lurking Member
January 2014
I have an old 2006 Philips tv that no longer has a remote. I have the silver Comcast remote with red ok button. Using the codes on Comcast's site, I'm able to control volume-only down though, increasing volume does not work with the remote, power, and menu button but ok/select does not work. Channel up/down does not work either, when I press it the cable button lights up. there is no cable hooked up to this tv, it is just for working out in the basement. I'd like to be able to use the remote to control content on a usb drive and a dvd player. The codes that I have used are 11454, 10054, 10690 and a bunch of others. Does anyone have a suggestion to get this to work?
Post 2 made on Wednesday January 1, 2014 at 16:00
Select Member
August 2009
To get the channel and OK/Select to send signals to the TV, use the 973 Channel Lock command.  I have no idea why volume up button doesn't work--nearly all Philips TVs use the same signal for that

If there are other functions or equipment that you want to control, post the model numbers of the equipment.  There is no guarantee that we'll know the code for a specific model, but the odds are better than just saying, for example, "2006 Philip TV".
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday January 5, 2014 at 10:50
Lurking Member
January 2014
Thank you. I tried that and it did change it so that the cable light didn't come on, tv did, but the ok button still did not work. The tv model is 32PF7421d37.
Post 4 made on Sunday January 5, 2014 at 15:47
Select Member
August 2009
I can't be sure about your exact model, but for Plasma TVs of that era, 11454 should work.  

If that doesn't send a recognized OK command, you'll probably need to test all 256 possible codes by sending EFC 00000 through 00255.  But try 00007 first, since it is the expected correct EFC.

To test, make sure the remote is in TV mode.  Tap Setup (don't hold it) and enter the 5 digit EFC.  When you enter the 5th digit the remote will send the command. Test the procedure first by sending 00207 (volume down).

When you find the correct EFC, assign it permanently using the 994 command.
OP | Post 5 made on Friday January 10, 2014 at 19:11
Lurking Member
January 2014
Thanks for the reply but that's a little confusing. Is the Comcast remote the problem? There seem to be quite a few threads mentioning it. Would a basic universal remote work or does it seem like the problem is the tv?
Post 6 made on Saturday January 11, 2014 at 00:47
Select Member
August 2009
The issue is that Philips doesn't consistently use the the same signals among models of TVs for the cursor and OK buttons, so universal remote makers usually support one of the combinations that Philips have used. That's why I suggested that you search for the EFC that works.

Comcast remotes are setup at the factory to send cable signals when OK/Select is pressed, even when the remote is in TV mode, and this feature causes problems for a lot people, but you've already disabled that.

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