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Programming Samsung TV & DirecTV remotes for Onkyo system
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 28, 2013 at 13:25
Lurking Member
December 2013
So I just got a wonderful Onkyo LS3100 2.1 speaker set up to go along with my Samsung UN50F6400 TV and a DirecTV Genie Mini. What I would really like to do is to be able to ditch the tiny volume controller that came with the Onkyo, and have both my "fancy" TV remote and the DirecTV RC65X locked ONLY to the volume on the Onkyo receiver. If I can't pull that off, I guess I will have to either use the little remote or entertain a universal remote, the latter being something I would REALLY not want to do considering I am only trying to eliminate one small remote.

To start, I have the Onkyo plugged into the analog on the TV, as I was getting some cut outs with the optical cable (which could be a problem with either the ports on either the TV or the reciever or its the cable itself?) Either way, the analog works fine. (but perhaps I should be testing something in case I should send the Onkyo back?) But I'm not sure if not using the optical will prevent me from accomplishing what I'm trying to do; does it do anything other than transmit the audio data?

I have tried mapping the Onkyo to the RC65X to AV1, and then tried locking the volume to that. Now when I go to adjust the volume on that remote, the Onkyo will successfully adjust, but the TV, that is set to External Speakers, gives me the message "Adjust the Volume on the connected speakers directly." The message goes away after like 5 seconds, but that's still pretty annoying. It seems I'm part way there with this remote....

As for the TV remote, I have gone into universal remote settings and tried adding the Onkyo system. The LS3100 is not anywhere on the list and during the 3 tests powering off the receiver was not successfully.

Thanks for any help in resolving this. And if its not possible, I will take universal remote suggestions, but its really tempting to live with the tiny 3rd remote over delving into that world.....

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