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DirecTV Remote / JVC AV-32750 Television
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Topic: | DirecTV Remote / JVC AV-32750 Television This thread has 1 response. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Wednesday December 11, 2013 at 17:50 |
wsrussel Lurking Member |
Joined: Posts: | December 2013 1 |
I have a DirecTV remote control which I am attempting to program to operate a JVC AV-32750 Television which was manufactured in 1996. I've tried all the codes recommended by DirecTV, and none of them seems to work.
Sterling |
Post 2 made on Wednesday December 11, 2013 at 18:56 |
edmund Elite Member |
Joined: Posts: | April 2002 13,856 |
Do not use the TV ON & OFF keys to determine if the codes work or not, those keys don't work for majority of the tv models. Test ALL keys under each code:
10053, 10036, 10069, 10160, 10169, 10182, 10650, 10731, 11253, 11302, 11601, 11633, 11774, 11923, 10094.
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