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Xfinity (Comcast) XR5 Remote
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Post 1 made on Wednesday November 6, 2013 at 09:21
Lurking Member
August 2008
I just got this remote because it promised on/off control of my audio receiver as well as vol/mute. After programming to the codes supplied by Comcast, I was still unable to get on/off functions to work. vol/mute were ok.

My receiver is a Yamaha HTR-5063. The codes supplied by Comcast are 30176 and 31176. Any suggestions?
Post 2 made on Monday January 13, 2014 at 09:27
Long Time Member
March 2012
Try 30354. I found that code by going to [Link:] and clicking XR2, Continue and Audio/Other and selecting Yamaha from the Choose the brand of other device to control pull-down list and clicking Continue.

Here are some other codes that I found in the instructions for the older Platinum remote under Setup Codes For DVD Players: 20490, 20539, 20545

If the last four digits appear as a channel change, that means that the XR5 remote does not accept 20000 series codes. If they do not appear as a channel change and the code is accepted, keep trying the 20000 series codes until you find one that works. If the 20000 series codes are accepted, I will be purchasing an XR5 remote to replace my XR2 P2 remote which does not accept 20000 series codes.  I need a 20000 series code to control my Sony SACD/DVD receiver.

Please post your results!

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