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Verizon Universal Remote won't Power On my Yamaha RX-497 receiver
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Post 1 made on Wednesday October 2, 2013 at 15:14
Lurking Member
October 2013
Just received a Verizon Universal Remote in the mail from Verizon today so I could get my Yamaha receiver on the universal. While going through the programming process, I have been able to use several of the codes Verizon provides to successfully turn the receiver off and control the volume, however none of the codes will turn the receiver back on!

Having to continue to use the Yamaha remote just to power the receiver on is almost more frustrating than having no functionality at all!

Any ideas to remedy this? Thanks in advance for any help!

Component model #'s:
Yamaha RX-497 receiver
Verizon Universal remote RC 144 5302 /00B

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