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A/V Receiver Pioneer, Needs a Remote
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Post 1 made on Friday January 18, 2013 at 22:12
Lurking Member
January 2013
Hey everyone,

I need one of each of the following Remotes for my Pioneer A/V Receiver, VSX-D1S. So I'm looking for, like I said one of each of the following Remotes: VSXD1S11 & CUVXS007.

I also need some information on how to set up a Pioneer Amplifier capable of running off the Pioneer A/V Receiver VSX-D1S I currently have. Also which Pioneer Amplifier would be the best buy, for my application? I'm going to use the Amplifier in a different room about 50 feet away.

Thank you for any reasonable information 👍😃😮
Post 2 made on Monday February 4, 2013 at 23:24
Lurking Member
February 2013
Sounds nice, one quick question? Do you have at least one of the original remotes on hand? For either the VSXD1S11 or CUVXS007?

The reason I asked is because you can consider getting an IR learning remote and clone the signal from both devices into it. That will give you a universal remote to control both devices from one source.
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