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PLEASE HELP! Comcast Remote with Motorola Comcast Box
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Post 1 made on Tuesday January 15, 2013 at 19:04
Lurking Member
January 2013
The Comcast remote still works fine with my Vizio tv, but it wont control the box at all. I cant change channels or pull the guide up or anything. Please help. I havent reset anything or used any new codes. I just reached for my remote and it would not change channels or volume. Please help! My box is a Motorola DCH70 and the remote has a Red OK/Select button.
Post 2 made on Tuesday January 15, 2013 at 23:43
Select Member
August 2009
First thing to do is to unplug the cable box, wait a couple of minutes and plug it back in. The problem isn't necessarily in the remote.

Use the 990 command to blink back the setup code on cable.  I expect it will be 01376.  Write it down so you can revert to it later.  Other possibilites are 01982 (some new Motorola boxes) and 01877 (Scientific Atlanta).  YOu want 01376 or possibly 01982.  To reassign the cable setup code, first do a 982 command to unlock the setup code.

If you're still having trouble, make sure that the LEDS flash when you press a button, and use a cell phone camera viewfinder to look at the output of the remote.  You shuld be able to see flashes when pressing a button.  

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