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Need Fisher TV Code for JVC Multi Brand Universal Model LP 20303-015
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Post 1 made on Friday January 29, 2010 at 18:48
Lurking Member
January 2010
Help greatly appreciated. Just got new DVR VCR combo and start menu won't display on TV because the TV doesn't know about the new equipment.

Either Fisher (circa 1999-2000) TV code or how I can program remote for a maker like Fisher who may not have an assigned code to get my universal remote to access TV. (Wasn't there a search function to unknown TV codes for this remotew)?

Post 2 made on Friday January 29, 2010 at 20:34
RC Moderator
August 2001
The remote mentioned was supplied with a number of JVC Video recorders, including the HR-4800. It has a limited universal capability and, from what I can see, no code search function.

The manual for the above video recorder (including instructions for the remote) can be had from here.

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