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dish hopper 40 remote code for mce rc6 remote
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Post 1 made on Monday June 2, 2014 at 12:23
Lurking Member
June 2014
I have a dish hopper remote that i use for everything because it is programmable. I just bought a nuc that has a built in nuvotron cir reciever. I would like to program a mce remote to my hopper. I hate to buy one just to not use it. Does anyone know the code to program a media center rc6 remote to the hopper remote?
Post 2 made on Wednesday November 12, 2014 at 01:26
Active Member
December 2002
The Hopper remote uses UEI (One-for-all) codes, which are 01272 and 21972 for Xbox and MCE. I don't remember if it takes the leading digit or not. Probably easier to pick the code from the on-screen programming anyway.

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