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Reverse Engineer Remote Control Volume
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Post 1 made on Wednesday February 19, 2014 at 15:11
Lurking Member
February 2014
Hi All,

New here, but I have a question that I'm hoping I can get some advice about.
(Really sorry if this isn't the correct section to post in also)

I have a Sony NSZ-GS8 which I really like, I use it as a client for Plex which is also awesome. This is connected to an Epson 5020UB projector and the audio (via a digital to analogue converter to straight stereo) is connected to an old but good amp.

The provided remote is bluetooth, but the Sony unit has an IR blaster that can control other devices.
The sony unit asks for a manufacturer model and then cycles through various codes from it's database until it finds the ones that work.

Now the issue is that the IR on my amplifier is broken and I'd rather not upgrade it at this point.

I've had a an idea that I was wondering if any of you good people might be able to help me with.

1. I buy a cheap remote control pre-amp kit.
Like this one:

2. I somehow find the remote IR codes that this remote uses and compare it against existing manufacturers codes?

3. I set up the Sony unit to work with that manufacturer IR codes.

Is that possible do you think?

Firstly, how would I read the codes from the cheap remote? Secondly is it possible or likely/unlikely that is uses the same codes as an existing manufacturer? Finally is the audio gonna be terrible?

Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
Thanks for your time.

Post 2 made on Sunday March 2, 2014 at 03:27
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Ugh... this sounds like an extremely complicated solution to maintaining an impractical situation.

First, if you must rely on the IR codes built-in to the Sony device, chances are EXTREMELY slim that the ones needed by the volume control you're considering would be anywhere in its database. Remote IR codes aren't like just finding the right shape plug to connect two items - it's more like trying to guess the combination to a 12-digit padlock.

Second, what is the amplifier you're talking about? Are you sure it doesn't have some alternate control input? Many old amps have wired IR inputs on the back. And how is the IR broken? Perhaps it would be simpler to repair that.

Third, I wouldn't doubt that such an inexpensive/unknown analog volume control might degrade the sound on what you're controlling, thus nullifying the reason to work around a good amp in the first place.

Finally, assuming funds are tight, have you considered getting an inexpensive (ie. refurbished / old model year) receiver with preouts and - if you're so set on the sound quality from your current amplifer - merely using it as a remote control switcher/preamp? If you get one with digital inputs, you likely wouldn't need the separate D/A converter.

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