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Remote for Media PC that will allow me to use my URC MX-890
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Post 1 made on Monday July 15, 2013 at 23:21
Long Time Member
May 2013
Hi guys,

I have a URC MX-890 that I am using in my main room for all of my gear. I also have an HTPC in the same room which I am attempting to control via my URC remote.

What I am currently doing is the following:

I bought this remote (Amazon Link) and then taught the buttons to my MX-890 as on-screen buttons. The issue is that this remote isn't actually an RC6 remote and it is sending keyboard presses rather than "remote" commands and therefore Eventghost doesn't pick it up as a regular remote. 

I am currently using AutoHotKey on the HTPC to pickup the commands from this remote and then do what I would like but the issue is that there are only a few buttons on the remote which I can teach to my URC remote for more complicated things that I'd like done on the PC.

Is there a better solution for this? Ideally I would like to be able to create a lot of on-screen buttons on my URC remote to do complex tasks on the computer. Like being able to program a button on my remote to send something like CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+5 or something which does a specific command. Or being able to program a key to send the letter 'S' so that I can toggle subtitles on or off while watching something through Plex. Using AutoHotKey on the PC side, I feel like this would really be the ideal setup.

Which remote do I need to buy to accomplish this? Or is this not possible? Hoping some of the pros on here know how to proceed.

Thank you!
OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday July 17, 2013 at 12:11
Long Time Member
May 2013

Post 3 made on Sunday August 11, 2013 at 01:15
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Late, I know. Something like that would require your remote receiver to accept those codes by IR - for example, if you wanted CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+5, that would be a single unique IR code, not a combination or sequence of other codes. And yes, when you work out all the combinations, that means there would be a ton of individual codes.

If you had an RC6-compatible receiver, then Microsoft does accept full keyboard commands with modifiers (I have one of the original MCR IR keyboards with mouse pointer, media keys, etc., and it works just like a normal keyboard except it can be taught to any remote.)
OP | Post 4 made on Sunday August 11, 2013 at 11:38
Long Time Member
May 2013
Thank you Daniel.
Post 5 made on Tuesday January 14, 2014 at 15:34
Long Time Member
July 2011
Even later, I know .. But Daniel, any chance you have captured the MCR IR codes from your keyboard on a remote and that they are posted here for download?? .. thanks ..
Post 6 made on Wednesday January 22, 2014 at 04:27
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Nope, sorry, never went to that effort since I didn't have a remote I actually wanted to try to replicate that on. Although I still have the keyboard, so nothing's out of the question...
Post 7 made on Wednesday January 29, 2014 at 16:17
Long Time Member
July 2011
I created a whole keyboard layout on my Nevo S70 .. but cant seem to find the codes for the Home and End keys ...

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