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Crestron ADMS-G2 Question
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Post 1 made on Wednesday October 3, 2012 at 12:10
Lurking Member
December 2011
Hi There!

I’ve been seriously considering adding a Crestron ADMS-G2 to my system (I Currently Have Crestron Control & Digital Media) but I can’t seem to find the answer to a very important question to me. I’ve phone my local dealer and he told me they just haven’t installed enough of them to know the answer. He recommended that I phone Crestron Support and pick their brain. I did that and the guy I talked too played coy and read me what was in the instruction manual (Which I had already read).

Basically my question is can the ADMS-G2 Play full uncompressed Blu-Ray’s & DVD’s and allow Navigation through the Menu Structures? If so what is the workflow or best way to convert those disks? Obviously it can’t play .ISO formats but can it play a Folder Structure format for Blu-Ray’s & DVD’s? It says it will play a .M2TS file but I’m not sure if that means it will play that file only and you have to strip that file out of the Stream Folder or if that means it will play those files in the BDMV Fold Structure.

If it can’t decipher the Blu-Ray & DVD Folder Structures what is the recommended method to get the full uncompressed “Movie Only” portion of the Blu-Ray & DVD Discs? I see it can handle .MKV formats is that what most are doing?

My preference is to have an exact copy of the disc’s if possible as I don’t mind the added cost of the extra space it requires and that way you have the bonus material and everything else. But I just can’t seem to find anyone that can tell me the possibilities/limitations/requirements.

Speaking from Media Player Functionality Only… If I have to rip and convert I guess I wonder why I would put in a $2,500 – $5,000 machine that essentially a $100 Apple TV can do.

Thanks In Advance For The Help!

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