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Htpc or media server
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Post 1 made on Monday June 13, 2011 at 01:32
Lurking Member
June 2011
Hi guys

I am looking into a Elan home system for the distribution of audio and video from a closet to multiple rooms in a new build apartment. The system would have 6 source inputs (cable, Internet radio, sat tv, media streamer, etc)

So the question is about media streamer. I was thinking of mozaex since kaleidiscape is too expensive. But then discovered htpc. Can a htpc do all that mozaex or kaleidiscape can do?
Post 2 made on Tuesday June 14, 2011 at 03:15
Active Member
November 2010
On June 13, 2011 at 01:32, Confusedxx said...
Can a htpc do all that mozaex or kaleidiscape can do?

That's a tall question to ask. It all depends on the HTPCs head end software. It also depends on you technical ability to program control into the HTPC software.

I would say if your computer savy (Linux included) and don't mind extensive programming and some trail and error; an HTPC may save you a few $ and provide more customization.

If you don't want a project... get the "off the shelf" solution.
I keep pointing my remote at the turntable but, it never advances to the next track.
Post 3 made on Sunday April 1, 2012 at 23:23
Whiskey Tango Hotel
Lurking Member
March 2012

a HTPC is a great option for the more tech savy client. There are a couple HTPC builds that are getting close for me to start experimenting with for clients but not quite yet.
Post 4 made on Monday October 12, 2015 at 09:28
Long Time Member
June 2015
a well built HTPC with server system offers unlimited options for the tech savvy and creative
Motors, music, movies, and muffles box. There are a few of my favorite things.Constant tinkerer. Constant thinkerer and builder of things, tweaker of others, breaker of a lot.

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