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Adding a PlayStation 4 button into the image gallery MX-780
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Post 1 made on Tuesday November 8, 2016 at 21:26
Lurking Member
November 2016
I have an MX-780... I have a generic button for my PlayStation 4 but I want it to be an actual PlayStation logo.

I've downloaded a ".jpeg" of of Google and saved it to my up "Paint" and made it smaller and re-saved it as a ".png" file.

Does anyone know if I'm doing this right? When I click on...
I see the Image gallery folder, but it's empty and it wont let me copy/paste my logo.

Please tell me how bad I'm doing this, I'm open to any suggestions! Thanks. Long time reader of the forum... first time poster.
Post 2 made on Friday November 11, 2016 at 08:27
Senior Member
June 2004
Using your own images with an MX-780 requires some ingenuity. Follow this link, scroll down to the free MX-780 download and grab the file.

You will see how I was able to use my own images with that particular remote (or you can just use my free template instead).

Post 3 made on Monday May 7, 2018 at 11:48
Senior Member
June 2004
Every home automation software has its own "personality". There are ways to do custom graphics for just about anything. URC (CCP) requires folder in the root directory to be manipulated for certain remotes if you want to use your own graphics.

I haven't even tried URC 2.0 out yet, but I am sure I could do some pretty nice templates using my existing libraries. I talked them (mostly Dale) at CEDIA last year, and he offered to get the software into my hands for some practice, but I never heard back from them after the show.
Post 4 made on Monday May 7, 2018 at 12:55
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On May 7, 2018 at 11:48, gwstudios said...
Every home automation software has its own "personality". There are ways to do custom graphics for just about anything. URC (CCP) requires folder in the root directory to be manipulated for certain remotes if you want to use your own graphics.

I haven't even tried URC 2.0 out yet, but I am sure I could do some pretty nice templates using my existing libraries. I talked them (mostly Dale) at CEDIA last year, and he offered to get the software into my hands for some practice, but I never heard back from them after the show.

if this is a response to the post above yours, I believe you are responding to a Spambot.
Post 5 made on Saturday June 6, 2020 at 04:06
Junior Member
June 2020
PRONTO TSU9800 HELP! I have used Pronto remotes for years and years. I just gave my father my TSU7500 & I just programmed it for him; however I just bought a TSU9800 and for the life of me I cannot find a manual for it. Yes they have a 15 and 20 page thing but it doesn't go into programming. Could someone please at least get me on the right direction. I have been looking for 6 plus hours. Thanks so much.
Post 6 made on Thursday June 18, 2020 at 08:51
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
You must have missed this:

Especially look at the Pronto Level 1 & 2 study guides. Those have all the training for programming the TSU9800.

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