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TSR-310 voice control - anyone using it?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday August 14, 2019 at 12:53
Long Time Member
January 2007
We had a client ask about voice control, saying her husband loved the Comcast remote that he can talk to. We've put in a couple TRDS-310s, but I never tried to implement those features, so I wanted to see what some others' experiences were. Good? Bad?
Post 2 made on Friday August 16, 2019 at 12:25
Select Member
October 2010
I personally haven't done it (our customers are not interested in their kids yelling at Alexa or Google all day) but I don't see the need for it. The amount of time it takes to tell Alexa or Google to go to a channel (and it not recognizing it) and doing it again you can easily enter the channel number in or even better use the TV Preset logic.

If you haven't looked into the TV Preset logic definatley something to look into and get familiar with. You set it up using the users zip code and select the service/s they are using and it provides a live guide on all Crestron devices that are using this. You can set multiple users/profiles so the MR and MRS have their own profiles.
You can't fix stupid
Post 3 made on Friday August 16, 2019 at 16:25
Super Member
March 2008
If you want to hear from your customer on a daily basis complaining about the voice control, hook it up. If not, go with the TV presets and explain to them that voice control sucks ass.
"Quality isn't expensive, it's Priceless!"
OP | Post 4 made on Friday August 16, 2019 at 19:19
Long Time Member
January 2007
Oh I totally agree. This all stems from a walk-though with a customer who asked for it because her husband supposedly liked it. The husband wasn't actually there during the walk-through, so who knows? He might have piped up and said, "Nah, honey, that sucks ass. Don't do that."
Post 5 made on Thursday December 17, 2020 at 11:55
Select Member
August 2004
On August 16, 2019 at 19:19, SWFLMike said...
Oh I totally agree. This all stems from a walk-though with a customer who asked for it because her husband supposedly liked it. The husband wasn't actually there during the walk-through, so who knows? He might have piped up and said, "Nah, honey, that sucks ass. Don't do that."

TSR-310 voice is it's own beast and frankly, unless some features are offered that are premade for certain devices (There is an AppleTV voice extender), it is a headache and time suck.

We need to get jobs installed, working and debugged efficiently and not spend months working out R&D on and off site for issues on behalf of our manufacturer's.

This is not a knock on Crestron... I love much about their products... this is a knock on more or less every manufacturer. When they come out with a cool new feature and you spend the time coming up to speed on it, we blink and the feature is ditched or modified substantially on the next product upgrade or firmware causing us to constantly chase after the holy grail. It resembles a heroin addiction where you spiral downward into ruin :)

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