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DirectTV Remote change issues
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Post 1 made on Monday August 5, 2024 at 12:44
Diamond Dog
Long Time Member
May 2003
Haven't programed my MX-980 for a while.

Wife got a new replacement remote for the DirectTV box. I think I manually learned all the codes in previously.

I am guessing that with the new remote, the IR frequencies are different? I have to relearn them all in?

Previously it was using RF, but I still could control through IR emitters.

On the current DirectTV menu, there is not a selection to use both IR and RF.

Thanks in advance for your help

Last edited by Diamond Dog on August 6, 2024 11:43.
Post 2 made on Monday August 5, 2024 at 15:50
Long Time Member
January 2015
On August 5, 2024 at 12:44, Diamond Dog said...
Haven't programed my MC-980 for a while.

Wife got a new replacement remote for the DirectTV box. I think I manually learned all the codes in previously.

I am guessing that with the new remote, the IR frequencies are different? I have to relearn them all in?

Previously it was using RF, but I still could control through IR emitters.

On the current DirectTV menu, there is not a selection to use both IR and RF.

Thanks in advance for your help

It sounds like you have a genie receiver, there isn't a setting to choose both. If I had to guess directv didn't send you the correct remote.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday August 5, 2024 at 23:03
Diamond Dog
Long Time Member
May 2003
On August 5, 2024 at 15:50, scht said...
It sounds like you have a genie receiver, there isn't a setting to choose both. If I had to guess directv didn't send you the correct remote.

It was working correctly with both ir and rf before. My wife uses the rf Direct TV remote and I use the MX980. Again both were working before. If I switch the setting to IR on the receiver. The Direct TV remote word IR, but the MX-980 does not
Post 4 made on Tuesday August 6, 2024 at 03:07
Elite Member
April 2002
You didn't post the model number of the Receiver? All Directv dvr's from the Hr20 to HR24 series, and Hd receivers from the H20 to H25 series it was only RF or IR, never both. When the R15 SD receiver came out it was IR only, but with RF control planned for the future. About two years after its release R15 began to accept RF remotes, all you had to do was plug in an antenna and pair the remote to the receiver with last 6-digit of Id number. Nothing was done to receiver itself. So, it accepted both RF & IR remotes. But later they added RF control option to menu of the R15 & R16, if turned through the menu it was RF or IR not both anymore. But there was a work around for this, a red button reset but the receiver into state like RF was never turned on through menu before and so, it accepts both again. This was only for R15 & R16 SD dvrs, this won't work on the HD receiver or dvr.

Later the Genie came out which used a different RF frequency then previous Directv receivers, and it accepted IR too. Maybe a recent update made it RF or IR only? And not both? I wouldn't know about this since I haven't had Directv receiver since 2012.

Last edited by edmund on August 6, 2024 13:48.

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