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OK button long press vs. short press
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Post 1 made on Thursday January 5, 2023 at 01:14
Long Time Member
February 2008
Hi all,
I am an amateur using the ancient MX-780 to control TV, FireTV, pre-amp. and active speakers, controlling FireTV stick via Flirc, programmed as Roku.

While using Smart Tube app, I encountered a small problem.

In the app, the OK button can perform two different commands, depending on the length of the press.

Short press and long press of the OK button should produce different commands: short pressing "OK" equals "enter" command, the long press takes me to a menu screen.

However, even the shortest press of the "OK" button produces "long press" command.

IF I am very careful and press OK very quickly, then it produces the command as expected ("enter").

I have the OK button command programmed to one repeat, with "repeat while button is pressed" checked.

Is there any way to slow down the signal remote sends while OK is being pressed?

Just reprogrammed Flirc to Shield TV instead of Roku, the same story...


Last edited by m1964 on January 5, 2023 03:00.
Post 2 made on Thursday January 5, 2023 at 10:57
Founding Member
March 2002
There is a press and hold function on the bottom of the macro window. It is a pull down that you choose between normal, variable or press and hold. You can have one code when you just press and another when you hold it down for a specified amount of time

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