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Which URC remote to get?
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Post 1 made on Sunday August 19, 2012 at 21:44
Long Time Member
October 2010
I know this has been a topic before; but I'm curious about long term issues, likes, dislikes and how the MX-1200 is fairing out against the older models?

I need a new remote to replace my MX-5000 which died on the charger after 2 years of use. I can live without URC's 2-way modules.

This is for my own personal use.
I'll be using it for my main viewing area and kitchen zone 2 audio (same area).
I already have a MSC-400 with power sensing and most components are using RS-232.
I don't have much time to learn a new product at the moment so that's out. i.e.RTI

My short list consists of the MX-980, MX-880, MX-1200

Thanks in advance for any input!

Things you own end up owning you!
Post 2 made on Sunday August 19, 2012 at 23:03
Active Member
June 2003
You might want to take a look at this thread before you decide on the MX-980.

OP | Post 3 made on Sunday August 19, 2012 at 23:17
Long Time Member
October 2010
On August 19, 2012 at 23:03, Mitch57 said...
You might want to take a look at this thread before you decide on the MX-980.


I have been watching that thread.
CCP has so many issues.

I like the graphics options of the MX-980, but it does feel a ittle large for my liking.
I think I'm leaning towards the 1200.

Things you own end up owning you!
Post 4 made on Sunday August 19, 2012 at 23:55
Active Member
May 2011
The MX980/MRF350 is the main combo that we sell and it has been for years. We experience none of the issues with latency mentioned in the earlier threads.
See our Youtube page for info about smart homes, great audio and more.

Post 5 made on Monday August 20, 2012 at 09:13
FP Crazy
Super Member
June 2003
On August 19, 2012 at 23:55, punter16 said...
The MX980/MRF350 is the main combo that we sell and it has been for years. We experience none of the issues with latency mentioned in the earlier threads.

+1 I love the 980 and if I had only $1 more dollar for everyone I've sold, I ight be able to retire. Nice remote.

But....I also really like the 1200 alot too.

I do wish that both had hard RGBY buttons and I do wish the 980 also had a "rec" button, but it's certainly not a deal breaker at all.
Chasing Ernie's post count, one useless post at a time.
Post 6 made on Monday August 20, 2012 at 09:44
Universal Remote Control Inc.
June 1999
One of my main design goals for the 1200 was to create a viable MX-980 replacement that was easier to program and has a more "wife-friendly" aesthetic.
I'm a member of the Remote Central community, just like you! My comments here are my own, and in no way express the opinions, policies, or plans of Universal Remote Control, Inc.
Post 7 made on Monday August 20, 2012 at 09:46
Long Time Member
December 2004
If you don't notice latency in the MX-980's RF transmission then you're not paying close enough attention or you're using it in a situation where it really doesn't matter. It's there and is not a one-off issue. I suppose that it's possible a certain batch of MX-980's have a different board design where this is an issue and some don't, but this is highly unlikely.

It's going to be much more noticeable in an interactive situation and affects some protocols more than others, due to the content being transmitted. But it's there even when using triggers, so it's impossible to get rid of it completely.

The REC button is a 20th century convention and I'm surprised it's finding its way back to some newer remotes. URC in fact got it right by leaving it off the MX-980.

About the only thing being used today that has recording capability is a DVR. ANd I have yet to see a DVR where you can't press the ENTER (or similar) button to pop up an list of options to allow recording or scheduling.

It's really like investing time/energy/dollars in putting a phono stage in a modern pre-pro. It's a complete waste of time. :)

Then again, you can pretty much get rid of the numbers on most remotes too. It's a shame about the RGBY buttons, but not so much that they're missing from an older universal, but that they're showing up on more poorly designed devices today.

They're completely superfluous on every device that uses them and a perfect example of a UX designed by someone who doesn't understand simplicity nor the needs of their customers. Ask a color blind person which button looks more "red" of the four... Any design that relies solely on color for differentiation is a failure.

It figures that when Europe finally ditches Teletext (the original use for these buttons), North America cable co's start specifying them on their boxes. In terms of OEM remotes, more buttons is worse, not better. I wonder when some of these companies will figure this out. They haven't remedied it with the release of BluRay which is still about as backwards as DVD as far as remote design goes. Oh well.

Stick with the MX-980 if you don't need/want 2-way, just be aware of its (and CCP's) quirks and bugs.

Last edited by TwistedMelon on August 20, 2012 10:05. - Mira & Manta IR - Remote Control Your Apps
OP | Post 8 made on Monday August 20, 2012 at 18:33
Long Time Member
October 2010
On August 20, 2012 at 09:44, Darnitol said...
One of my main design goals for the 1200 was to create a viable MX-980 replacement that was easier to program and has a more "wife-friendly" aesthetic.

Thanks guys for the input!

I just ordered a 1200......
The aesthetic of the 1200 is what finally sold me on the remote!

The 1200 does feel nice in your hand compared to the 980, which feels like a brick!

Things you own end up owning you!
Post 9 made on Monday August 20, 2012 at 22:37
Founding Member
March 2002
With todays touch screen consumer, buttons on the side of the remote confuses them. Sure once they know the buttons are there they are fine. But how many people if you just hand them the remote will try pressing the screen? The 1200 is more ergonomic for that reason and for us has replaced the 980 for most situations.
Post 10 made on Monday August 20, 2012 at 22:59
Active Member
June 2003
On August 20, 2012 at 09:46, TwistedMelon said...
If you don't notice latency in the MX-980's RF transmission then you're not paying close enough attention or you're using it in a situation where it really doesn't matter. It's there and is not a one-off issue. I suppose that it's possible a certain batch of MX-980's have a different board design where this is an issue and some don't, but this is highly unlikely.

It's going to be much more noticeable in an interactive situation and affects some protocols more than others, due to the content being transmitted. But it's there even when using triggers, so it's impossible to get rid of it completely.

Well said! The latency issue isn't related to RF interference from the MRF-350. I've proven this by taking it completely out of the picture. The bottom line is that the MX-980 itself has an RF bug. If either RF only or IR/RF are enabled on the remote you will see latency/laggy performance.

URC tech support has verified this bug and has an escalation report submitted on it. I just talked to them about it again today. The escalation report number is ESC-911 if anyone would like to call URC and confirm for themselves that there is indeed an RF issue with the MX-980.

Now, for those of you who aren't seeing this issue it is possible that you have a different board or different batch of boards in your remotes. I verified this with another dealer who is using one of the very first MX-980s and he says he doesn't have any of these latency issues.

The latency is less then a 1/4 second delay so perhaps those of you who say you aren't seeing it haven't really noticed it. Food for thought...

The response I got from tech support today was to just keep checking back to see if it's been fixed yet. At this point, I'm not holding my breath for a fix anytime soon, if ever.

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