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Can you copy individual IR database codes?
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Topic: | Can you copy individual IR database codes? This thread has 3 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Saturday September 16, 2006 at 06:54 |
David Anderson Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2005 98 |
Some time ago, I created a comprehensive MX-850 design for lots of AV kit, including a Sky+ satellite receiver (as used in the UK). The Sky+ digibox is included in the MX-850 Editor IR database and I used this as the starting point for my SKY+ device layout. I then changed most of the LCD button layouts. For some reason or other, I also overwrote the database codes for the Up and Down navigation hard buttons with learned codes. I later realised that the Down button for Sky+ always jumped two steps at a time. However, all my attempts to re-learn this code always result in the same double jump.
I have now created a TEMP device that has been programmed with the standard Sky+ layout from the IR database. The Down hard button works properly in this device. I now want to transfer this single IR database code to the Down button in my SKY+ device. Obviously, I could simply start again with the SKY+ device design but I'm lazy and just want to fix the one button that's not working.
So far, I have not found any way to copy a single IR database code. Any suggestions?
Post 2 made on Saturday September 16, 2006 at 11:39 |
hiker Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2005 440 |
On the MX-850, only learned IR codes can be copied, not preprogrammed database IR codes. AFAIK, only the MX-3000 allows this.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday September 16, 2006 at 12:26 |
David Anderson Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2005 98 |
Actually, I seem to have found a roundabout way to copy the code I want.
As previously described, I have my SKY+ device (partially derived from the SKY+ [174] device in the IR database) and a temporary TEMP device (an exact copy of the [174] device). Within any of the MX-850 Editor menus, these are referred to as SKY+[174] and TEMP[174].
While in the edit dialogue box for the problem Down hard button of the SKY+[174] device, I selected the TEMP[174] device and the IR code for its Down button. After saving this, I then redited the button to change its source to the SKY+[174] device. As the stored code was originally from the same IR database source it accepted this device change while leaving the IR code unchanged. I then deleted the TEMP device.
Things would be a great deal easier and more intuitive if the MX-850 Editor followed basic Windows conventions and allowed straightforward copying and pasting of any data!
Post 4 made on Saturday September 16, 2006 at 18:14 |
netarc Senior Member |
Joined: Posts: | May 2004 1,348 |
Iirc the MX900/950 editors allow for cut&paste; additionally, they have a "browser" feature that will let you pick & choose IR codes from either an MXD file or the IR database.
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