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Is the MRF-300 provide an "amplified" IR output?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday September 13, 2006 at 23:14
Senior Member
May 2004
Eric/Jeff/URC in general - a question for you re: the MRF-300...

In the Caveats with IR 3.5mm direct-connect cables? I talk of issues I ran into when attempting to connect an MRF-300's IR outputs to A/V gear using a "direct" 3.5mm mono cable (i.e., into the gear's rear 3.5mm "IR input" jack).

In particular, I was surprised that I wasn't able to control a Parasound NC7100 controller with this method. I called Parasound to inquire about this, and the tech I talked to indicated this was a common problem with non-amplified IR connecting blocks ... (in fact, the Parasound literature specifically indicates an amplified block is required).

I had assumed the MRF-300 _was_ effectively an amplified block, since it's regenerating the IR commands - but is it? Can you folks comment on this? And if it's not, will the MSC-400's IR outputs behave as amplified?
Post 2 made on Wednesday September 13, 2006 at 23:51
Control Remotes
Super Member
August 2003
You can adjust how much IR is output from each emitter line. Typically, I find the emitters of an MRF to run hotter than other systems. When you crank the IR output up, it's STRONG. I am not 100% certain, but based on that info, I would think that the IR out is amplified.

You may want to try kicking it back a bit, because it could also oversaurate the system. See if that helps.

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authorized Dealer & Remote Programming Services
Remote Programming Services for URC Remotes - 914-509-5360
Follow me on Twitter @HomeTheaterNY
OP | Post 3 made on Friday September 15, 2006 at 01:07
Senior Member
May 2004
On September 13, 2006 at 23:51, Control Remotes said...
You may want to try kicking it back a bit, because it
could also oversaurate the system. See if that helps.

Thanks - yep, I had tried varying this - tried it from lowest to highest setting, and several in-between ... at no point did the a/v component respond.

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