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MSC-400 and existing complete control remotes?
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Post 1 made on Tuesday September 5, 2006 at 21:20
Long Time Member
October 2002
I am using a fairly large multiroom set-up with a combination of (5) MX-350 remotes, (1) MX-850 remote-basic home theater and (1) MX-3000 remote for the main home theater. I am running (2) MRF-300 together for the Multi-room distribution and several MRF-300 around the house for the local equipment. Together they work pretty well, but was really looking foward to getting 1 main unit for the Multi-room distribution for the obvious upgrades, RS-232, more flashers, storing IR codes inside the unit, and so on....
It kinda bursted my bubble when I heard it was compatible with the MX-900,TX-1000,MX3000,MX950....... Is this true?? Will this not work at all for the other complete control remotes? I know it uses the new narrow band antenna but I was hoping it would still work with the existing remotes from URC. I don't need better coverage, and my RF isn't that bad. I am just not ready to replace all my MX-350 for the basic rooms in my house.

Anyone know of them upgrading existing Complete Control remotes if this is true?
Any feedback?
Sometimes you just have to figure it out for yourself!
Post 2 made on Tuesday September 5, 2006 at 22:17
Founding Member
March 2002
I know it won't work with the RFX-250 antenna. I haven't tried it with an RFX-150 antenna. It might mork with that. I would email Eric to find out. I'd test it for you but we stoppeed carrying the other remotes a while ago due to bad RF in our area.

Post 3 made on Tuesday September 5, 2006 at 23:41
Active Member
February 2004
This is definately not the best way to use an MSC-400 but here is what could be done.


The only reason I say this is not the best way is because this method does not use the narrow band remotes or the narrow band RFX-250 and some could end up with RF issues they would not have if using the narrow band remotes and RFX-250.

There is no problem using the RFX-150 with an MSC-400 if you don't have RF issues, the non-narrow band remotes should work fine with the RFX-150.

In a normal MSC-400 system you would program the remote with devices, but no macros, then import the devices in the MSC editor. You would then build the macros in the MSC, then re-open the remote file and use the universal browser to drag the macro triggers into the remote. The MX-700, 800, and 850 universal browser will NOT open a MSC file (even though it says MSC, it is looking for a .msf file not .msc) there is no intent at this pooint to include these remotes because they currently are not narrow band remotes (although they may be in the future).

The trick now is that if you have a remote that you can drag these triggers into, like your 3000, you can set up that remote with the triggers you want to use from your other remotes. Set the 3000 to RF and the correct ID and test the triggers with the MSC-400. If they work, set that device to IR and use that remote to teach your MX-350s those triggers as IR commands. Set the MX-350 to send those commands RF and set the right ID. Now the MX-350 can send these triggers to the MSC-400.

I do this to do an ALL OFF macro for my living room system, from my MX-800 in the bedroom. As a side note my MX-800 does work with my RFX-250 but there are no guarantees that will work for others.

This method can also be used with hard wired keypads that can be wired to the IR in on the MSC and a keypad can trigger the macros in the MSC.

Last edited by Ericjb on September 5, 2006 23:59.
There are 10 types of people in this world,
There are those who understand binary,
and those who don't!
OP | Post 4 made on Wednesday September 6, 2006 at 01:39
Long Time Member
October 2002
Thanks for your quick response Eric !
Can you use the RFX-150 and the RFX-250 together and would there be any advantages or disadvantages? I have two RFX-150's currently connected in series.
As far as the MX-350's I am using around the house, this is used in conjunction with the B&K CT602 Multi-room Receiver. With your application could I still continue using the basic macros set up in the MX-350 and do more advanced macros with the 2 home theater areas as you described in the last post? I will probably replace the MX-850 with the MX-900 down the road.

P.S. I will post some new questions on our dealer web site but thought I might ask some Beta testers and the remote community.
Sometimes you just have to figure it out for yourself!
Post 5 made on Wednesday September 6, 2006 at 07:29
Active Member
February 2004
The RFX-150 can not be used with an RFX-250 on the same MRF or MSC, there is some sort of mismatch.
There are 10 types of people in this world,
There are those who understand binary,
and those who don't!
Post 6 made on Wednesday September 6, 2006 at 14:52
Eric Johnson
Universal Remote Control Inc.
May 2001
Just to clarify. We have no plans to make the MX-850 a remote that can trigger the MSC-400. The MX-900, TX-1000, MX-950 and MX-3000 have all been designated MSC System remotes.

Best Regards,

Best Regards,

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