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MRF-300 to control a AMC S84D
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Post 1 made on Wednesday November 1, 2006 at 03:59
Long Time Member
October 2006

Just after some help as to whether the MRF-300 addressable IR outputs will work with the AMC S84D multizone controller for the 4 independant zones?


I have had no luck with the emails I have sent to AMC OR to Universal. Typical Universal response it that "go and buy a Mx3000 and MRF300 and see if it works"

Just wondering if I was to wire the individual IR emitters on the MRF 300 to the individual 4 Zone inputs on the AMC S84D whether it would control ach zone independantly?

I have had differing opinions and I am hoping someone here can help out? Cause it seems that none of the manufacturers are interested!!!

Thanks in advance


Post 2 made on Wednesday November 1, 2006 at 07:08
Long Time Member
April 2006
This is a question for the manufacturer's tech support line, call them unless someone here has used one. Who makes it?

From a URC standpoint there is no reason it shouldn't work we use them on Speakercraft MZC66, MZC88, B&K CT610, and other multi-zone controllers. I wouldn't worry about the URC part but you will need to call Manufacturer tech support to ask the real question. "How do I hook IR to this thing to control each zone independantly?"
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday November 1, 2006 at 18:01
Long Time Member
October 2006
It is made by AMC.

Post 4 made on Wednesday November 1, 2006 at 22:25
Long Time Member
October 2006
it should work fine. it seems it can do ir in the front or can take each zone in the rear with the emitter cut off.
'93 hemi
OP | Post 5 made on Monday November 6, 2006 at 06:05
Long Time Member
October 2006
How does the wiring work?

The MRF-300 has two cables and the AMC has appears to require three?

The manual gives the following "Limited" explanation:-

Wiring of the twin shielded cable used to
connect the remote I/R receiver to these
inputs is as follows:- The shield of the cable
should be connected to the terminal marked
"GND", the red wire connected to the
terminal marked "+12V" and the black wire
connected to the terminal marked "I/P".

I spoke to the AMC distributor here in Australia and he mentioned that the MRF would need to support a "Common Ground" to work. What ever that means?!!
Post 6 made on Monday November 6, 2006 at 11:12
Active Member
September 2006
I believe he's trying to say both devices should be plugged in to the same power strip so that the grounds are at the same level. Don't seperate the units by a bunch of cable.

The AMC supplies 12V to power an IR receiver, you don't have to worry about that as the MRF has it's own power. If AMC supplied enough power on that +12V you could potentially power the MRF with it and avoid the common ground issue, but just ignore it for now.

Shield is ground. Black is data. Turn down an emitter on the MRF to as low as it can go. Wire it up. Cross your fingers, and see if it works.

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