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Post 9 made on Tuesday December 26, 2006 at 12:21
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001
This is not NEC protocol or to be more precise, not any NEC protocol I have ever seen. NEC protocol has always contained 32 data bits, 16 bits of device or mfg code (assigned by NEC) followed by 16 bits of function code. In the early days each 16 bit field was composed of 2 8 bit fields the second being the one's compliment of the first (zeros become ones, ones become zeros). NEC then ran out of device/manufacturer codes (256 posibilities in 8 bits) and made the device code a 16 bit field with no error checking allowing for approximately 65000 codes. The function code still was 2 8 bit fileds with redundancy (compliments) to allow for some limited error detection. Device/manufacturer code was sent first followed by function code. The timing parameters for NEC code are in the paper I wrote many years ago on this forum regarding IR coding and HEX reporesentations of the Pronto remotes.

Hope that helps

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