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Post 2 made on Wednesday December 13, 2006 at 07:38
Long Time Member
July 2005
If you have your dvd collection in dvd profiler, then you need to assign each disc a "location" and a "slot number" in order for DMX3000 to do its thing properly. To do this, right click on one of you dvd's names in dvd profiler and click personalize. Then click "discs" tab and enter a location (this can be anything you want just as long as you make it the same for all dvd's your putting in a changer, mine is called "dvd400" for the location.) Then in the "slot" just enter the # where that dvd is in your changer. ***On the MX3000 side of things*** You need to rename the page that says "contols" in your DMX 3000 device to be the same name you entered as the location name (in my case dvd400) in dvd profiler. That is why you were getting the "controls don't match changers" message. It happens to the best of us. I have that same changer and I just got my dmx3000 working 100% every single time a few days ago. What a sweet program.

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