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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 26, 2006 at 23:34
Long Time Member
November 2006
Is there a way to xfer programming elements from one remote file to another? Suppose I have two MX-950 remotes and there's an error in a learned command in both. (There is, I just found out that one command repeats twice each time I press it). I know I can relearn the command. But can I then transfer just that button command from the file in which I create it to other MX-950 programs?

I currently have 5 separate programs for different rooms and all 5 have the same improperly learned command. I should have checked more carefully, but I did not. Do I need to reprogram each of the five files or is there a better way?

What if I create a new device that I want to add to all five programs? Is there a way to do that without manually adding the new device to each file?

John Acres

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