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Post 3 made on Thursday December 28, 2006 at 11:09
Long Time Member
September 2006
On December 27, 2006 at 12:06, Control Remotes said...
It sounds like what you want to do is not a macro, but
that you wish to use commands on other buttons. Does
that more accurately describe what you want to achieve?

If so...

Using an MX-900 or higher: copy the IR Data commands from
the macro editor window at the bottom of the screen and
paste them to the IR Data column of the button you wish
to use.

Using an MX-700 to MX-850: create a shortcut by selecting
the button you wish to place the command on, select your
device and IR code from the Edit and Label Buttons window
and save it.

If this is not what you are looking to do, send me an
exact list of steps in your macro, so I can see what you
are doing.

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authorized Dealer & Remote
Programming Services

It is a simple macro of the 30 second skip ahead button found on the Dish remote. I hit record macro on a seperate button on the MX-3000 then add the 30 second skip ahead button 5 times (tried it with and without delays between each step) . I can send you the .rcc file if that would help. I have a complete .rcc file with all of my other components that were learned on the MX-800 and dragged to the MX-3000 with the universal browser which works but the commands seem very buggy so I decided to start from scratch and use the database commands which I found were working much better except for the macros. However the old complete .rcc file with all of my remotes on it works the macros. I even imported the working Dish .rcc file from an export of the good complete .rcc file and did a copy and paste action from the the working macro button to the non working macro button and it still would not work. For some reason no macros will work on the new dish .rcc file. Not just the one 30 second skip ahead button macro. I tried some press and hold macros to change pages and they would not work either.

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