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Post 9 made on Thursday January 25, 2007 at 23:08
Loyal Member
November 2004
I've been using URC since the 700 debuted.
Then went to the 850 when it came out.

I bought a 950 at CEDIA 2 years ago. It set on the desk for a month while I tinkered with the editor trying to make it intuitive to use for my wife and daughter.

One night it 'clicked' in and I programed it, removed the 850 from family service, and waited on feedback.

After a couple of days I asked what they thought.

They LOVED it! "so much easier than the old one" was their first reply!!!
I thought the 850 was pretty easy and so did they until now!

I have another system with a 900 (the one I usually use for clients systems) and they have no problems with it as either.

After adjusting to the 900's ability and making it intuitive to operate for clients(wich they seem to love) ,I feel limited when I reprogram existing clients 850's when they up-grade equipment.
Many bought a 900 after I showed it to them because it made more sense to them.

They seem to be able to grasp the fact that if you want to listen to something, press listen and choose. Press watch if you want to watch something.

I always got by just fine knowing that if I pressed cd, I was going to be lisening to a cd, if I pressed sat, I was going to be watching sat!

Some people seem to need the 'watch' or 'listen' to make it make sense (my wife and most clients included).

As long as you only have 'watch' commands relate to 'watch' devices and 'listen' relate to 'listen' devices, it works out better than I thought it would.
Every day is a good day.......some are just better than others!

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