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Post 4 made on Tuesday January 16, 2007 at 21:53
Founding Member
October 2001
I don't know about IR oversaturation or how to deal with it. Can you elaborate? I have used the 309 codes also. When pointed at the switches they work, when at the IR system, same problems.

Odd thing is that I am getting irregular results only with the MX remote and only with one of the switches and only when pointng the MX remote at the AV receiver. I think I have it solved (move emitters and switches around) but then I come back later and it is unresolved once more. Same remote, same room, same codes and lighting. Just that one of the swithches (same one) wont' work consistantly.

So why won't the MX duplicate the codes from the Lutron IR ? I did try different repeats from 1 to 10.

The lutron remote works the switches flawlessly when directed at the switches and also at the AV rack IR system. The MX works perfectly only when pointed at the switches but goofs up when going through the IR repeater system in the AV rack system. I have used taught in commands and those from the IR data base, both with the same results.

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