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Post 6 made on Saturday May 10, 2008 at 21:11
Founding Member
August 2001
I actually had tried an IF-THEN solution [sounded like a bright idea]: I was able to learn the UP & the SCROLL codes separate. I had my MX-980 UP key first blast the initial TViX UP, but IF I hold it 1 second or more, it then sends the subsquent TVIX "scroll" blast. Didn't work. I found that if the SCROLL code comes more than .5 seconds after the initial UP, it doens't work.

As for your "non-opaque"-learning suggestion. Isn't a credit card opaque? Regardless, didn't work with credit card or Netflix paper wrapper. Only learns the SCROLL code, which I verified by pressing for a sec the TViX UP, followed by holding my newly-learned MX-980 "UP", producing a scrolling effect.

I had one new idea: Add the SCROLL code to the UP button as a macro, and turning off the repeat function of the UP code, but leaving it on for the SCROLL code. I figured it wouldn't work b/c it would move 2 spaces, and I was kind of right. Depending how many times I had the UP and SCROLL blasts repeat, it would either move 2 spaces and not scroll, or move 3 spaces and scroll if I held the key. Wierd.

FYI, my PC tests rarely produce what the downloaded program does in relation to repeats.

I thank all for you help and patience with this one. I realize this can make a brain hurt.
URC MX-980, MX-800, MX-1000

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