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Post 7 made on Tuesday September 14, 2021 at 19:03
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
For me, it also works for LCD buttons but NOT if you have both ProntoScript and an Action.

Consider ButtonA with an ActionList containing single action AppleTV-Home.
This will work allow PressAndHold.

However, if you set ProntoScript for this button and the have the script do:

Then, there is no PressAndHold available.

Is there some other meaning of your "virtual" key? PEP3 Page Overlays perhaps?

With regard to a press and hold, for HOME, I add the IR action and then the delay of 0.1s just to keep it from press and repeat. Then, when I want to go to the control panel, I explicitly invoke my HOME(1s) followed by the delay of 0.1s.

I typically have no reason to go to the Control Panel (Sleep Menu as I think I called it in the images above), especially since we now have Discrete Power Off.

Around tvOS14.4, a learned IR command for the 'Stop' function would do the Power Off.

Same for a learned IR command for the 'Next' function (Play Symbol followed by |), it would function as Home.

Then, alas they took those away in 14.5. But now, who cares as we have the real codes that do what we need. :-)

Last edited by Lyndel McGee on September 14, 2021 22:57.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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