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Post 3 made on Saturday November 1, 2014 at 06:56
Long Time Member
August 2013
On October 30, 2014 at 14:48, hurst280 said...
I am having trouble with some Pronto codes. For example (from Zenith) there are alternating columns of "0000" in the code. This "0000" is suposed to be the LED on time, but this would seem that the LED comes on for 0 periods of the carrier frequency.

Yep. Question is what person or what software delivered such a silly signal. And how/if it can be "repaired".

How to I convert these kinds of codes to a list of LED on and LED off times?

0000 0067 0000 0010 0000 00CC 0000 0014 0000 00A3 0000 00CC 0000 00CC 0000 0014 0000 00A4 0000 00CB 0000 0014 0000 00A4 0000 00CC 0000 0014 0000 00A3 0000 0014 0000 00A4 0000 0BAA

The latest version of IrScrutinizer (1.1.1) will, when fed with such "silly" signals, will offer to replace the 0 by another number. Doing so (using almost any small number), the signal is identified (by DecodeIr really) as "protocol = Zenith, device = 5, subdevice = 0, obc = 17".

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