As other have mentioned, the initial requirements are considerable. If you want to work yourself into that market you will need to become at least certified installer. Having In house trainers is not always a requirement if there may be enough independent certified trainers in your area to be able to take care of the training requirement.
Training is a huge part of making any Smart board installation successful . I spent a considerable amount of time looking into supplying Smart boards for a client and realized that the client's commitment to training their own personnel is considerable and even more important than the chosen hardware as well as a considerable budgetary expense for the client.
Once you take a good look at the requirements and commitments to install these products you better understand Smart Technologies dealer requirements. Basically they're not interested in supporting untrained dealers only installing a hand full of these a year. It just doesn't work in the long run for Smart Technologies, the dealer as well as the clients. At least that's the way it works here in Canada.
Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.