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Your search found 2 files by Michael Blake.
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Philips Pronto & ProntoPro
Roku Media Server SoundBridge
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Michael Blake
CCF with full discretes for all functions. Thanks to Roku for this one. Includes preset banks, that elusive stop button, last server, internet radio, and so on. Excellent!
Updated: April 05, 2006  Size: 70kb
Philips Pronto NG & ProntoPro NG
Roku Media Player SoundBridge
For: Marantz RC5400
By: Michael Blake
PCF with full discretes for all functions. Thanks to Roku for this one. Includes preset banks, that elusive stop button, last server, internet radio, and so on. Excellent!
Updated: April 05, 2006  Size: 102kb
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