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Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000
Submitted by:
Paul Antico
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Paul Antico's Custom Color PCF
This is version 2.0 of my configuration. It uses a clean, crisp 100% custom graphic design (with the exception of corporate logos.) It is designed for a new home theater I built, and includes some new components. I kept the pages for the old components in there for people's reference as well. The only difference between this and my operating config is the removal of some personal family-related graphics.

Components in this system:
Cable 1:Motorola DCT5200
Cable 2:Motorola DCT6200
Camcorder:Sony DCR-TRV8
DVD 1:Sony DVP-C660D
DVD 2:Denon DVM-1815
DVR:TiVo Series 2
Lighting 1:X-10 IR543
Lighting 2:Lutron Spacer SPS-600
Projector:Sanyo PLV-Z2
Receiver:Yamaha RX-V2400
Television:Sony KV-32S40

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