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 Files > Pronto NG > Systems > Original (Details)
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Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000
Submitted by:
Robert Boazman
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Contest Entry #30: Make It Work
This is my first PCF design for the TSU7000. I created this design to accommodate my 6 year old son and my wife. Like most, she doesn't want to learn about all the equipment. As she says, "Just make it work."

The design is simple to use and is based on our most frequently used activities. These icons are on almost all pages, DirecTV, TiVo and HDTV icons. Since some of the equipment, like the Yamaha, is new to me, I'll be adding functionality over time. Most pages have a browse back button, even though one is hard coded. Easy access to guides and info. A complete collection of CD cover art provides direct access to any CD. TiVo is used frequently. Buttons are built from stock Liatro buttons.

Thanks to Daniel and all the Remote Central forum members and their designs. I borrowed from everyone. Special thanks to Dave D'Arche for the Pronto Wizard Guide. It saved me many hours and he was extremely helpful with my email questions.
Updated:March 11, 2004
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