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 Files > Pronto NG > Other > Designs > Bitmap Collections (Details)
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Philips Pronto NG TSU3000
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Trevor's Classic Movie Stars
A collection of 56 movie stars from the 1940s and 1950s. There are some movie shots as well as portraits of the actors/actresses themselves. All of the images are 240x320 and rated ‘E’ for everyone.

Includes Bette Davis, Brigitte Bardot, Elizabeth Taylor, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Grace Kelly, Humphry Bogart, James Dean, Jane Fonda, Katharine hepburn, Lucille Ball, Marilyn Monroe, Raquel Welsh, Veronica Lake and Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Updated:April 02, 2007
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