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Microsoft Windows Media Center Edition 2005
(Remote model RC1534002/00)
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000
Submitted by:
Daniel Tonks
Show author's email address.
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Note that you will need to make the "EnableDebouce" change for this configuration to work correctly (search the forums). Part of an original color system PCF file.
This file is a part of the following system:

Daniel's Color TSU7000 Layout
v1.06 This is it - my personal PCF file for the Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 color touchscreen LCD remote control. This completely original and full-screen interface is based on my black-and-white layout for the Pronto NG TSU3000, but is not merely a colorization of that design. In this version I've concentrated on making the layout quicker to navigate (no more home page), easier for others to modify, and far more versatile.

Sporting 6 zones with over 42 full device configurations complete with separate code pages with discretes, this setup makes liberal use of hard buttons, a quick main task bar to the left and a sub-task/device bar on top. Also new is a status line with the time, date, battery level and device name, two buttons that can be used for page history or device switching, plus better page numbering.

Additional features include Rogers VIP and HDTV digital cable and off-air HDTV television surfing guides for the Toronto, Canada area, an interactive lighting device, hard button help page and my Galaxy NG puzzle game.

Included as hidden devices in this file is a gallery which includes over 1000 original graphics that can be used to completely customize this layout to your system and taste. For example, there are 312 different buttons (52 shapes each in 6 colors), over 100 large device icons, over 100 small device icons, 186 Canadian and US television icons, a home page for those who can't live without, plus much more. All elements have been created as PNG files with full alpha channel transparency support, so they'll work over any type of background.

Due to this file's size and complexity you absolutely must use the latest version of ProntoProEdit NG.

Other items included with this file:
Aiwa Mini System XR-M25
(Remote model RC-8AT02)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Discrete power codes do not exist. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Aiwa Mini System XR-MN5
(Remote model RM-Z20019)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Discrete power codes do not exist. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Channel Master Antenna Rotor 9537A
(Remote model 9537)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Denon Mini System D-M10
(Remote model RC-846)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Fisher CD Player AD-752
(Remote model RAD-752)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Hitachi Television TN79061
(Remote model CLU-961GRII)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Discrete power and input codes do not exist. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Hitachi VCR F540A
(Remote model VT-RM540A)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Discrete power codes do not exist. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Hitachi VCR UX717
(Remote model VT-RM605A)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Discrete power codes do not exist. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Honeywell Air Purifier 17005
(Remote model N/A)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Part of an original color system PCF file.
JVC Mini System EX-D5
(Remote model RM-SEEXD5A)
A complete layout for this DVD/radio micro system with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power and most inputs. Part of an original color system PCF file.
JVC Television AV-20F703
(Remote model RM-C309G)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Part of an original color system PCF file.
(Remote model LP20303-018)
A complete layout for this "Professional Line" VCR (similar to the HR-S7900U) with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power codes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Marantz Receiver SR-18EX
(Remote model RC-18SR)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power, input and audio processing codes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Marantz Receiver SR9600
(Remote model RC3200B)
A complete layout for this receiver plus its dual tuners with separate IR code pages. Includes discrete power, input, audio processing modes (with custom buttons), muting and speaker selection codes. Also includes several additional commands not found on the factory remote, plus all Multi Room A and Multi Room B functions. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Olympus Camera C-8080WZ
(Remote model RM-2)
A complete layout for this one-button(!) camera remote. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Panasonic Receiver SA-XR57
(Remote model EUR7662Y80)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power, inputs and audio modes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Pansat DSS Receiver 2500A
(Remote model N/A)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. No discrete power codes exist. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Pansat DSS Receiver 9200HD
(Remote model N/A)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. No discrete power codes exist. Includes a workaround for an issue where the unit will respond to *any* NEC-formatted code, causing it to repeat the action of the last "valid" command sent. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Philips Media Player Streamium SL400i
(Remote model RC1453601/01)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power codes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Philips Television 34PW9817/17
(Remote model RC-2043/01B)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes partial discrete power and input codes, plus macro workarounds for the rest. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Philips Television 42PF9730A
(Remote model RC4318)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power, inputs and screen modes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Pioneer Television Elite PRO-150FD
(Remote model AXD1549)
A complete layout for this 60" plasma with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power and input codes. Part of an original color system PCF file, which also has a channel surfing guide for Rogers analog cable in the Toronto, Canada area.
Samsung Camcorder SCD590
(Remote model CRM-D3E)
A complete layout for this MiniDV camcorder with separate IR code page. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Samsung HDTV Receiver SIR-T165
(Remote model MD59-00339D)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Discrete power codes do not exist. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Scientific Atlanta Cable Box/DVR Explorer 8300HD
(Remote model AT8400)
A complete layout for this HDTV DVR with separate IR code page. No discrete power codes exist. Part of an original color system PCF file, which also has a channel surfing guide for Rogers VIP and HDTV digital cable in the Toronto, Canada area.
Sony Camcorder HDR-FX1
(Remote model RMT-840)
A complete layout for this HDV HDTV video camera with separate IR code page. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony DSS Receiver SAT-A3
(Remote model RM-Y140)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power codes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony DVD Jukebox DVP-NC650V
(Remote model RMT-D133A)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power codes plus a few others not found on the factory remote. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony DVD Player DVP-NS715P
(Remote model RMT-D145A)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power codes plus a few others not found on the factory remote. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony DVD Player DVP-NS999ES
(Remote model RMT-D150A)
Unit set to ID #2. A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power codes plus a few others not found on the factory remote. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony Game System Playstation 3
(Remote model IR4PS3)
A complete layout for the IR4PS3 IR-to-Bluetooth adapter with separate IR code page. Includes commands for Custom Code #1 only (see the original Pronto section for my CCF file with all supported codesets). Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony HDTV Receiver/DVR DHG-HDD500
(Remote model RM-Y823)
A complete layout for this OTA/Cable Card HDTV DVR with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power codes plus "previous channel", which is not on the factory remote. Part of an original color system PCF file, which also has a channel surfing guide for off-air HDTV channels in the Toronto, Canada area.
Sony RP Television KF-60XBR800
(Remote model RM-Y912)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power, input and screen format codes, plus a screen with service menu commands. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony Receiver STR-GA8ES
(Remote model RM-P362)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power and input codes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony Receiver STR-SL7
(Remote model RM-U305S)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power and input codes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony Tape Deck TX-WE625
(Remote model N/A)
A complete layout for both tape decks with separate IR code page. Includes many functions not found on any Sony factory remote. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony Television KLV-S23A10
(Remote model RM-YA001)
A complete layout for this 23" LCD TV with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power and input codes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Sony Television KV-1380R
(Remote model RM-783)
A complete layout for this 13" TV from 1986, with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power and input codes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
(Remote model RMT-V278)
Unit set to VTR1 (normally Beta). A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power and input codes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Toshiba HD DVD Player HD-A35
(Remote model SE-R0252)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes discrete power codes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
Velodyne Subwoofer DD-15
(Remote model Digital Drive)
A complete layout for this device with separate IR code page. Includes all discretes such as power and modes. Part of an original color system PCF file.
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