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There are 861 System CCFs.
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For: Philips TS-1000
By: Scott Biery
Scott Biery's Sony CCF
Complete Sony system, minus channel surf icons and tuner preset stations. Includes discrete power codes for all devices, sound fields for the 945 and video inputs on the TV. Special thanks to Steve Steigman and MAXELL for the inspiration for the GIANT button on home 1/1 panel, and to Dan Tonks and everyone who took the time to create and share thier CCFs.
Updated: August 31, 2000  Size: 49kb

For: Marantz RC5000
By: Jason Bihun
Jason Bihun's System File
A simple CCF file complete with channel icons.
Updated: August 13, 2002  Size: 52kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Dan Bishop
Dan Bishop's Remote
Compilation of many graphics available on this site. Streamlined layout works very well for the one fingered couch potato. Many logo channel menus and Comcast ONDemand controls.
Updated: October 03, 2004  Size: 213kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Henrick Blake
Henrick's Custom Pronto
When designing this CCF I decided that I would prefer to have one panel per device where possible. The resulting design is a little cramped, but it has achieved most of what I set out to do. The CCF uses Windows type buttons and a toolbar and is mostly device based with a couple of activities thrown in. Thanks to anyone who recognises anything they contributed.
Updated: May 20, 2001  Size: 58kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Scott St. Blanc
Scott St. Blanc's Pronto
A complete system CCF that was developed with a lot of help from everyone at Remote Central.
Updated: March 20, 2001  Size: 77kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jose Blanco
Jose Blanco's Pronto #2
This CCF is the most complex I've done to date. Includes two monitors. The CCF asks the user for the status of the receiver (which has no discretes) and which monitor they would like to use. A lot of jumps, and thanks to Daniel for his CCF style.
Updated: June 08, 2000  Size: 37kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jose Blanco
Jose Blanco's Pronto #3
This ccf is my latest program for my personal system. I got tired of having sidebars, which took up space. I made a "pop-up" type of jump system, whereas you selected "menu" and a small window would pop up. My receiver does not have discretes, so in the macro section "home", the macros send out the power command. The only time the ccf sends out another power command is when the user selects "power off" on the real "home" page's "all off" macro. Thanks to all whose icons I used. Some newly designed buttons...Also, check out my "record options" button on the DSS page...literally walks you through for programming DSS (now or later) or local TV (now later).
Updated: October 15, 2000  Size: 39kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jose Blanco
Jose Blanco's Pronto #4
This was one of the first customers I programmed a Pronto for. His dog recently MANGLED!!! his pronto. Somehow I uploaded the ccf from this destroyed Pronto (cracked screen, 1/4" teeth marks, God it was awful). I looked at the program and it was so historic, I told him I could do better... This is his new ccf, with a comical ending -- see the macro section "END".
Updated: October 15, 2000  Size: 27kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jose Blanco
Jose Blanco's Pronto #5
Complete home theater. This CCF has some newly created buttons (menu controls and Virtual 6.1). Thanks to all whose icons I used.
Updated: January 20, 2001  Size: 85kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jose Blanco
Jose Blanco's Pronto #6
I designed all home icons, roladex, and calender. Thanks to all whose transport icons I used. All devices use a "pop-up" style menu system, complete with "back" buttons.
Updated: July 24, 2001  Size: 85kb
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