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Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000
Submitted by:
Johnny Chuah
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Johnny Chuah's First CCF
Borrowed from many CCF's at Remote Central, but I lost track so need to thank everyone whose designs and logos I've used. Tried to maintain a consistent layout with tabs throughout all devices. Has "Clean Pronto Screen" button, multiple switching between video devices with PIP and home screen with my favorite cartoon character, Calvin and Hobbes.

Components in this system:
DVD:Panasonic DVD-C220
LD 1:Pioneer CLD-D604
LD 2:NEC LD-2000
Preamp:Sony SDP-777ES
Receiver:Denon AVR-4800
Tape:Denon DRM-710
Television:JVC AV-27950
VCR:Sharp VC-H985

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