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 Files > Pronto > Devices > Infocus > Television (Details)
File Details & Download
Infocus TD40p
(Remote model HPB01)
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro TSU6000
Submitted by:
Roger Brooks
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Part of a complete color system CCF file.
Updated:September 02, 2006
This file is a part of the following system:

Roger Brooks' Chad-3-ProntoPro
This is an update of my previously submitted system CCF file based on CHAD graphics, constructed using Tonto. It was developed for use on an iPAQ with TV Remote Controller 5. Device selection panels are activity based, with macros. It includes graphic buttons with logos for radio and TV stations available on cable in central Switzerland, including some US, British, French, German and Austrian stations. Hard keys are mapped differently from a Pronto, but there is a hidden panel for each device to show how the mapping works. Latest changes are to the labelling panels for the DVR: a longer delay time between codes for more reliable operation and extra panels for special characters.
Other items included with this file:
Denon Tape Deck DRW-840V
(Remote model RC-410 & RC-151)
Part of a complete color system CCF file.
Onkyo Receiver TX-NR801E
(Remote model RC-511M)
Part of a complete color system CCF file.
Panasonic DVD Recorder DMR-E80H
(Remote model EUR7792KMO)
Part of a complete color system CCF file.
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