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Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9400
Submitted by:
ProntoTimer 94
The new ProntoTimer comes next to two setup (properties) pages with two user pages. On the first page you will find 6 identical AlarmTimers. These can be underlied with activities such as e.g. light or music on/off (with captions) in the setup pages. On the user pages you can (directly within the TSU) then can set and activate the timer with time and weekday.

On the second page there are 4 special timers at your disposal.

The SleepTimer can be activated manually or with 3 predefined QuickButtons and be eiter set to 15min / 30min / 45min. The desired SleepTimer time is then calcualted instantly and displayed.Hint: The QuickButtons can also be copied to other pages for example the TV page. The Sleeptimer is also suitable in order to set time limits for the TV consumption of your kids.

With the IntervalTimer the same actions is being repeated in the predefined "rhythm".

The SunsetTimer is predesposed to know the time of the sun setting. Daily the actual sunset time is being synchronised over the internet. Taking into consideration you lead time or follow-up time the execution time is being calculated accordingly.

Sunrise Timer
The Sunrise Timer comes with equal functionality in accordance to sunrise time. You could, for example, have your timer operate your sun blends 30 minutes prior to sunset and then have the sunset timer lower them when the sun is gone.
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