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Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500
Submitted by:
Gordon Smith
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Gordon Smith's Home Theater
I took me about week to get my ProntoNeo set up the way I wanted and here is the result, which I hope someone will find useful, particuarly since there is so little UK orientated stuff about. It contains a custom overview screen labelled 'main' which was created with NeoHacker and has custom bitmaps for many buttons and TV stations. Some of these bitmaps are taken as-is from other NCF files on this site, some have been altered slightly, and some are designed from scratch by me. Many thanks to the other people who have unwittingly contributed graphics to my NCF!

Components in this system:
DSS:Sky Digibox
Receiver:Sony STR-D511
Television:Philips 46PP912A
VCR:Aiwa FX5500
Updated:February 21, 2004
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