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The file you are rating is as follows:
Mitch Wayman's MX-900 System Setup
Designed for:
Complete Control MX-900 Genesis
Submitted by:
Mitch Wayman
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Lots of discretes and macros. I did extensive testing and troubleshooting to make sure it all works as flawlessly as possible. I prefer having a "Main" page vice the activity based layout - that's why the "Watch" and "Listen" pages are identical. One less step to get to where you want to be. If my wife can use it anyone can use it! Feel free to post your questions, comments, and suggestions.

Components in this system:
Amp:Parasound Halo A51
DSS/DVR:Hughes HR10-250
DVD:Integra DPC-8.5
DVD-R:Panasonic DMR-ES40V
Receiver:Denon AVR-3805
Television:Panasonic TH-50PX50U

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